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Past Life Regression

  • Have you ever been somewhere new and are certain that you've been there before (deja vu)?
  • Do you have the same dream regularly and always awaken at the same point?
  • Why are you drawn to some people and not others, why do some places just feel off limits? Why are you afraid of your fears?
Maybe you've lived before and would like to relive the experience? The regression scripts on the below may be used alongside inductions and deepeners from Hypnotic World to hypnotize yourself and others to to experience your own past life.

There are many ways that people can access past life memories. Through hypnosis you can bypass your conscious mind and access the regions of the subconscious where those memories are stored.

Do you have a related experience that you'd like to share? "Your story" is an area reserved for just that. Let's build it up - start writing today...

Your Regression Stories

Soul Journey
A journey of the soul using hypnosis.

Out of Body Experience
FloatingI can say, hand on heart I have indeed experienced an OBD. I had gone to bed and was just dropping off to sleep when suddenly...

Memories from the Stone AgeMemories from the Stone Age?
This story came to me while I was meditating. This lifetime was thousands of years ago, I think...we didn't even look exactly like people look now.

War RegressionWar Regression
I believe that in my past life, I was a soldier of the 15th Royal Scots in the Great War. I actually only came across the regimental details this week.

Civil War?
I was traveling with my parents and husband in Northern Michigan (USA). We were driving through an old small town. We were looking at the older homes. As we passed a large white home with a large porch, my mind blacked out and suddenly I was standing on the porch.

From the Titanic to Olympus - Past Life Regression SessionFrom The Titanic to the Olympic
Past Life Regression session - by Andy Moore. Transcript of an actual session in which the life of Thomas Moore in 19th century Belfast is uncovered.

Recurring Dreams

Changing the Past


GazeboThe Gazebo
I started to have a recurring dream at a very early age. In the dream, I was a little girl riding a bicycle across a bridge. I would look to my left and see a park and a smaller bridge lower than the one I was on. There were people crossing the bridge...

Dreams of HMS AtlanticDreams of HMS Atlantis
A couple of nights ago I had a dream that I was on a warship in the bridge area. The funny thing about the ship was that it didn't look like a warship although in the dream I knew that it was.

Moors MurderMoors Murder
In 1995 I decided to look into a feeling I had about two things that kept bothering me. One was fear about knifes and two because I felt that I knew a lot about 1964. Don't ask me why I just did.

Near Death Experience
This event transpired and transformed my life from that day forward. My unbridled joy and excitement were more than I could handle rationally and resulted in a hospital stay with a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. Since religiosity is noted as a classic symptom of this disorder, everyone around me dismissed the NDE as a part of my psychosis.

Someone I Knew in a Past Life
There were so many dreams and so many coincidences, even dreams before we met.

Dreams of a 1920's Beauty

Visitor's View of Life After Death

There are many ways that people can access past life memories. Through hypnosis you can bypass your conscious mind and access the regions of the subconscious where those memories are stored.

Regression Scripts for use with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotic World offers a range of hypnosis scripts that hypnotherapists can use in regression:

Had a past life? We'd like to hear your views. Please email: faith@hypnoticworld.com

Past Life Regression with Self Hypnosis: A Complete Guide
Uncover a Past Life with this comprehensive Regression Guide

A Guide to Uncovering Past Lives: Whether you are a Hypnotherapist wishing to add Past Life Regression to your toolbox of therapies or you are fascinated with the idea of discovering more about your own previous existence this Guide shows different approaches that you can use.

This complete guide to Past Life Regression is crammed with information to help anyone who is interested in exploring past lives.

Download the Past Life Regression Guide

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“I find the selection of scripts provided excellent. I am enjoying going through them. I have used several so far on my clients and they work a treat.”

John O'Toole

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