Hypnotherapy Diploma Course
Recognised Training
When choosing a hypnotherapy training school, it is important that you select an organization whose standards have been recognised by external professional organizations:
National Hypnotherapy Society Quality Checked
The Professional Hypnotherapy Course has been externally quality checked by the National Hypnotherapy Society (HS). The National Hypnotherapy Society is the only hypnotherapy organisation whose register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. (Note: Quality Checked training courses are not in and of themselves a route to the Accredited Register of the Society, and do not qualify students to be professional counsellors.)
National Hypnotherapy Society Membership
Students who have completed the Professional Hypnotherapy Course are eligible to apply for Non-Registrant membership of the National Hypnotherapy Society. If you have completed the course, click here to apply. New to the course? See Course Enrolment.
Accredited by ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists)
This course is accredited by ACCPH and allows you to join as a professional member after graduation (Membership Criteria).
Course SyllabusPractical Tuition & Workshops
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"The business I am just setting up will be all the richer for having taken the chance and ordered this excellent course."
"It's been hard work, but incredibly satisfying, and it was Hypnotic World that started it all off for me! A HUGE thank you!"
Declan Lestat
"The Modules are well written in an easy to understand manner, one that makes it interesting for the reader to learn from."
"Since receiving my certificate in January I have gone from strength to strength."