Hypnotherapists near Wiltshire, United Kingdom
The practitioners listed below provide personal hypnotherapy sessions. For site-related or ordering queries, please contact Hypnotic World here.
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 practices
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Viv KenchingtonHPD, DHP, MNCH (Reg), AfSFH,
07974 153487
Bath Road, Atworth, SN12 8LA, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Katharine JamesBSc (Hons) Psych, Dip Couns, Dip Psych, Dip Hyp, Dip NLP
07837 243514
11 Hunloke Way, Malmesbury, SN16 9FL, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
+ 1 additional location
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Sherry TolsonBSc (Hons), MHS, Dip Hyp, CS
01666 311234
Stable Cottage, Manor Farm, Milbourne, Malmesbury, SN16 9JB, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Trevor BrownBA (Open), Dip Eur Hum, DipCAH, MNCH (Lic)
Barland Cottage. Bewley Mews, Bewley Lane,, Lacock, Chippenham., SN15 2NW, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Gill ScottDip Hyp/MHS
07590 268385
32 The Down, Trowbridge, BA14 8QW, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Gary SmithDSFH AfSFH (reg) HPD MNCH (reg) CNHC (reg)
Northbourne Road, Swindon, SN25 4YE, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Lisa Makinson MSc GMBPsS MNCIP(Reg.) Dip.(Reg.) CNHC(Reg.)
+44(0) 7826521867
Autonomy Rooms, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1JG, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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Andrea Downey DSFH
Pinetrees Community Center, Swindon, SN2 1RF, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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