Hypnosis Scripts for Stress Management and Anxiety
Anxiety and stress can have a negative impact on people's everyday lives, including their careers, personal and home lives.
An individual might go to extremes of avoiding different situations in order to prevent any build up of anxiety, which can be a severe hindrance.
As a therapist you can also find healthier alternatives for your clients who are suffering from stress and anxiety. Hypnosis can be an extremely effective tool in helping your clients to change their negative reactions to perceived stressful situations into more positive reactions.
Emotional Release
Faith Waude DHP Acc. Hyp
This script was written for people who are unable to cry.
Guilt Complex
Steve Armstrong
Help relax clients with a guilt complex now with this hypnosis script.
See Also:
- Browse 1,300+ hypnosis scripts here
- Audio Session Downloads: Stress and Anxiety MP3s