Many women suffer from menstrual pain that is often so severe, they are bedridden. Through hypnosis, one can learn to control the pain, and resume a normal life at times of the month when the pain seems unbearable. This script is based on the method of the highly esteemed Dr. David Cheek.
For those that experience normal menstrual periods with mild pain, it can be hard to believe how serious painful menstruation can be. Some women experience cramping and pain so severe they are unable to go to work, attend school, or care for their families. Some find themselves seriously ill for several days per month. Often the pain is accompanied by nausea, upset stomach, headaches and all over body aches and pains. This can be severe enough to have an effect on everyone around them.
This script includes its own induction, and will seem as if it is performing miracles for those that are suffering from menstrual pain. Typical menstrual pain is caused by the cramping and strain of the uterus shortly before and during a women's menstrual period. Prostaglandins are natural chemicals in a woman's body and they produce many of the symptoms associated with menstrual discomfort. The tissue that lines the uterus makes these chemicals. Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. Women who have high levels of prostaglandin experience more intense contractions of their uterus and more pain. It is important to remember that severe menstrual pain may be an indication of a serious problem. Once you have been cleared by your doctor and you know that your pain is a normal occurrence and not a symptom of a serious condition, hypnosis can be a valuable tool in visualizing creating relief during your menstrual cycle.
This hypnosis script will give you the necessary tools to "turn off" your pain. You can feel more in control of your body and gain the ability to work through the pain, ignoring it and often removing it all together.
Because there is anxiety related to uncomfortable menstrual periods, you will need to learn to control the anxiety as well. If you are anticipating pain, you will raise your level of anxiety, which can often lead to additional pain, and at the very least, emotional discomfort. This script will enable you to let the anxiety go and imagine a comfortable, natural and normal menstrual period.
The most important part of learning to have a pain-free period through hypnosis is gaining control of the pain you are anticipating. It is very empowering to consider the vast ability humans have to control their pain. Women will benefit from this confidence boost. Imagine having the ability to appreciate your womanhood instead of dreading it, and being able to control the negative aspects and drive them away.
Women that suffer from mild or severe menstrual pain will benefit greatly from this thorough, professionally created script. It will give them the ability to accept and understand the causes of the menstrual pain, and then enable them to take control of the pain in a natural, non-medicated manner. Sometimes all that is needed is a gentle push in the right direction, and that push needs to come from deep inside the mind. The power women will gain from controlling their menstrual pain will breed confidence and relaxation. If you or a client is in need of relief from severe menstrual pain, this hypnosis script is the answer for which you have been searching.
Please note: this session is intended for relaxation purposes only. It is not a medical or therapeutic device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition or disease.