Rose Script
Imagine a beautiful deep red closed rosebud, the petals curled slightly outward, revealing occasional dew drops from the morning shower. The rose petal begins to uncurl and like a movie sped up you can actually see the petals begin to unfold in slow motion.
The rosebud is velvety soft and a wonderful perfume begins to caress your nostrils, and as the rosebud uncurls, little by little, you are completely absorbed in the beauty of the rose.
Slowly and gradually the petals open up as the perfume becomes headier and more powerful. The rose is a wonderful deep shade of crimson and the contrasting green leaves with delicate threads running through, entrance you. You marvel at the beauty of the rose.
You may begin to wonder at the centre of the rose, how will you see it? Will the flower open up enough? The inner petals are carefully wrapped around each other like a closely guarded secret. And as you focus your mind completely on this beautiful rose you may feel drawn to the centre of the rose and its almost as though you are entering the flower as that once tight bud begins to uncurl, and you're being drawn into the centre and into the stem - and its as though you're traveling through a long tunnel, and even as you find yourself being drawn into and through this tunnel you can sense and feel and know that you are safe - you are comfortable - you are at one with the world and the universe and all creation.
And if you wish you can pause here because you now have a choice. You can continue through the stem of the rose until you find your root - going back and back - deeper and deeper - down and down - and when you find your roots you can enter the beautiful earth and be in touch with the very essence of your being. Or you can return to the centre of the rose and look out from that beautiful bud onto a beautiful day. You may see the sun shining down on you - or you may feel the gentle morning dew - you can radiate out your perfume - even though you won't be aware of that perfume yourself - you can see the world through a new pair of eyes, as though you're looking on it now as never before.
You see colors you never imagined possible - you hear the sound of the grass whispering to each other, you can feel insects scurrying by, carrying out their daily work. You are a beautiful rose.
So make your choice now, whilst I'm quiet..... and explore your choice.
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