According to research people whose partners snore lose on average one hour of sleep each night. That's more than 15 days of sleep every year. That adds up to almost two years of lost sleep in a lifetime. Sharing a bed with a snorer affects the partner. Sixty-three percent of women cite snoring as the most recurrent problem depriving them of sleep. The quality of life and health issues of the long-suffering partner may force one or the other partner to move to another room.
An estimated 3.5 million people are woken up regularly by their partner's snoring. Snoring affects everyone's, even the snorer's ability to get a decent night's sleep. Snoring affects the depths of sleep cycle one experiences over a single night. Long term sleep disturbances can eventually take a physical toll on either or both partners. Lack of sleep leads to crankiness, irritability, and increased confrontations.
For snore sufferers bedtime can become a nightly ordeal, the prospect of sharing a bed has come to offer little peace and relaxation over time. Canberra Times reported January 24, 2007 that snoring can sometimes cause divorce.
People of all ages can snore although age and weight can exacerbate the problem. About forty per cent of adult men snore compared to twenty to thirty percent of women. Alcohol, smoking, obesity and age all increase the odds that sleepers are noisy. Many partners develop elaborate strategies to cope with their partner's snoring for examples using earplugs, music headphones, sleeping elsewhere, or going to bed first.
Hypnotic World's hypnosis script for snoring for listeners offers an effective solution. The multiple proven techniques in this script are aimed at immunizing listeners to the droning snores of their partners. The script begins by creating negative associations designed to change the way that your clients feels about the noise and interruptions while they sleep.
Then this hypnosis script to help those subjected to snoring to engage their subconscious in a cleansing metaphor that would make Milton Erickson himself proud. Erickson was in fact recognized for using metaphoric communication in the hypnosis healing process. He advocated the process for issues such as creating rapport to changing beliefs. This metaphoric script is capable of sneaking otherwise alarming or controversial ideas or concepts into the subconscious in a non-threatening manner. Because of the nature of the stress of listening to snoring this hypnosis script combines metaphor with indirect suggestions. Indirect suggestions enhance rather than challenge the client at a sensitive instant.
This snoring for the listener hypnosis script also engages a sense of control through visualization by putting the mind to work on itself. By turning awareness inward clients discover connections and solutions at the unconscious level. The creative nature of the metaphor of this hypnosis script stimulates subconscious insight. The metaphor reframes the situation to the client's subconscious in acceptable non-threatening format. This inspires cooperation rather than resistance, which in turn leads to solutions rather than further repression and resentment.
The metaphoric structure of this hypnosis script for the snoring listener has the potential to not only strengthen self-confidence, it can also help those under stress learn to cope better. Reduced stress levels contribute to greater self-esteem. It should be noted that hypnotherapy is remarkably effective in helping clients give up unwanted thoughts and beliefs, which can help immunize listeners to irritation and disruption from the snoring.
The Hypnotic World script for those who must listen to snoring first resolves the issue by re-educating. This script informs the subconscious mind about the way the body operates to alleviate misconception about their partner 'purposely' interrupting their sleep. By explaining how the system is supposed to operate the client comes to understand that their aggravation is natural but controllable.
This hypnosis script is designed to effectively clear the issue of losing sleep to listening to a partner snore by directly teaching through the subconscious. An informed subject is able to realign their conscious and subconscious beliefs into harmony. Simply by explaining how the mind works and how and why such erroneous ideas have become conditioned tends to break through the clouds of confusion.