Overcome a habit of chewing gum with this professionally written hypnosis script from Hypnotic World.
Help your client to quit snacking on crisps/potato chips and maintain a healthier diet.
Overcome a habit of retching or trying to be sick when there's nothing to bring up.
Overcome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with this professionally-written hypnosis script from Hypnotic World.
Relax with OCD with this professionally-written hypnosis script from Hypnotic World.
Help OCD clients to relax with this hypnosis script.
Relax with OCD using hypnosis.
Help clients to relax with their religious OCD and obsessive thoughts about health with this professionally-written hypnosis script from Hypnotic World.
Help your clients to wait before replying to their text messages with this hypnosis script from Hypnotic World.
Stop your sniffing habit with this professionally written hypnosis script download from Hypnotic World.