Morning people are cheerful at the dawn of the day. However, not everyone in the world subscribes to this 'bright and early' mentality.
Some people are seemingly unable to sleep and wake at the times demanded of them by normal life requirements such as work, school and society in general.
It is possible for these individuals to get sufficient sleep if they nap and wake at the times dictated by their body clocks. However, this justification for lateness is unlikely to satisfy their boss.
Night Owls vs Larks
Professor Jim Horne of the Loughborough Sleep Research Centre adopted the terms 'larks' and 'owls' to describe early and late risers. He suggests that approximately half of the population is neutral, leaning toward neither one nor the other.
Only around ten per cent of the population are extreme morning or evening types. This means that most people are not born to be either night owls or morning people, and that somewhere along the line, entrenched habits develop.
People do have different circadian rhythms which govern variables such as body temperature, hormone levels, heart rate and sleep-wake cycles. These rhythms are controlled by approximately ten thousand nerve cells in the brain which act as an internal clock.
Circadian rhythms originate from within an organism, but are also affected by external cues such as light and eating times. These rhythms help us to become more accustomed to regular environmental changes.
The fact is that to fully participate in life, one must be able to function effectively when the world around them is 'open for business'. Like it or not, 'night owls' ultimately have to accept the life routine widely embraced by others in order to succeed in most common professions. Fortunately, this transition can be accomplished painlessly and with speed using hypnosis.
Hypnosis for Night Owls
Hypnotic World offers a hypnosis script designed to help 'night owls' to realign their circadian rhythms to be more in tune with their culture at large.
This Morning Person hypnosis script uses positive and negative language cues, visualization to establish a client's emotional state, storytelling, post-hypnotic instructions and anchoring to help a person to reset their internal body clock.
Script Techniques
This script opens by immediately establishing the desired outcome indirectly through positive and negative language cues. These language techniques suggest the 'preferable' choice by conveying that idea using positive language cues. For example, the script describes waking "refreshed and alert early in the morning". Positive terms like 'fresh' and 'alert' reinforce the message that this is a favourable belief.
Not being a morning person then is described using indirect negative cues. 'Night owls' are always 'letting the best part of the day pass them by'. These subtle cues speak directly to the subconscious.
The next element of this Morning Person hypnosis script involves the use of visualization in a type of storytelling, in order to inspire your client to generate the optimal 'emotional climate' of robust wellbeing, excitement and anticipation.
By generating this emotional state of mind, this script is training the subconscious to relate positive emotions and feelings to the idea of being fresh and alert: in other words, being a morning person.
After establishing the subconscious alignment, this script uses a form of instruction that can help your client to recognize how misconceptions have contributed to this internal body clock misalignment. The nature of the story suggests to the subconscious that being a night owl is ineffective. This effectively neutralizes a client's potential inner arguments against becoming a morning person.
This Morning Person hypnosis script then concludes by activating post-hypnotic suggestions that support taking action to reset the client's circadian rhythm to a more universal morning schedule efficiently, painlessly and quickly.