Numbered Staircase Deepener Script

You're now standing at the top of a very long and beautiful staircase.
There are one hundred steps leading down, and around and although you can't see the bottom of the stairs from here, you somehow know that there is a beautiful place waiting at the bottom of the stairs, just for you.
Notice the staircase; notice the carpet if there is one; and if so, see how it is a perfect shade of your favorite color.
Or perhaps the stairs are made of marble or wood, if so then that's okay, that's alright.
On either side of the staircase is a beautiful firm bannister that makes you feel safe and secure.
The bannister is smooth and polished, and you place your hand lightly on it.
On each step are the numbers going down from a hundred and they go all the way down to zero.
And somehow you know that the deeper down you go the more comfortable and the more relaxed you will become.
And you really want to walk down those stairs and you intuitively know that each and every step down will take you into a wonderful feeling of calm and comfort and deep relaxation.
So get ready now to begin walking down the stairs, if you haven’t already started.
And you are going down and down and down, stepping deeper and deeper and deeper down into this wonderful, calm and comforting feeling.
And the deeper you go the more comfortable and relaxed you become.
You might even decide to let the stairs fade away before reaching the bottom and if you do, that’s fine because you will still know which number you’re at.
Good. You are relaxing more and more with each step down, going further and further down into comfort and relaxation.
Continue walking down as I’m quiet for a few moments. At times you might even feel that you are floating down.
Good, now bring your attention back to my voice and look down at the numbers and tell me, what number step are you on at the moment?
Repeat the instructions about pausing and going deeper and periodically check the number again.
When they are close to the bottom of the stairs, i.e. they report they have reached step 15 or lower, continue with:
When you reach the bottom of the staircase, just step into a beautiful, luxurious hallway and let the stairs and the ordinary everyday world just fade away.
You are very deeply relaxed now, so very deeply and comfortably relaxed, from the top of your head, all the way down, deeper down, to the tips of the toes.
Every nerve, every cell, every fiber, every consciousness of your body is deeply and comfortably relaxed.
Note for therapist: The subject rarely sees the whole 100 stairs in the beginning; this doesn’t matter as the idea is that it allows you to monitor the level of trance they feel they have reached.
Script feedback and questions from hypnotherapists:
Numbered staircase deepener
Just to add, I have revised the script slightly to clarify what to expect. Hope this is better..
Numbered staircase deepener
Hi Val, your clients aren't expected to see the whole of the staircase and if they lose their focus that's good as it means their conscious mind is already beginning to wander. The great thing about this deepener is that it lets you monitor your client's trance so that you know how deep they feel they are.
Too many stairs
100 stairs to visualise and walk down is hard for client to stay focused,i use 10 stairs with great results
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