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Stopping smoking anchor

Posted in the Quitting Smoking Forum
By Sue Thackeray   

Sue Thackeray
Sue Thackeray
Stopping smoking anchor
Jan 31st, 2022 02:12

Hi _ thank you so much for all that has been shared on these forums - I find them so useful! I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a client coming to me to stop smoking - which is fine, but she's very taken with the idea of pulling on her earlobe everytime she fancies a cigarette and the urge going away. Apparently she met someone in a pub who this had worked for.
Is it just about installing an anchor linked to an ear pull? Has anyone done this?


Faith Waude
Faith Waude
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Jan 31st, 2022 05:44

Hi Sue, this was a very common anchor that therapists used to help clients to stop smoking. You could include suggestions along the lines of 'in the unlikely event the thought of a cigarette should try to enter your mind, you will simply tug your ear lobe for 5 seconds as you breathe in slowly and deeply and that thought will be instantly replaced with feelings of confidence and pride at having quit smoking'. To strengthen the anchor the exercise can be repeated a few times within the hypnosis session.


Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Feb 1st, 2022 02:02

Thank you Faith!


Karen Hopgood
Karen Hopgood
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Feb 3rd, 2022 11:25

I am loving the ear lobe anchor and wondering do I tell the client that there has been an anchor in his session after he has come out of hypnosis?


Rosemarie Phillips
Rosemarie Phillips
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Feb 6th, 2022 03:39

Would this anchor be used for someone who started smoking as a result of bereavement or do I first need a hypnotherapy session to deal with the grief and bereavement issue? Followed by a later session for smoking cessation.


Sue Thackeray
Sue Thackeray
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Feb 6th, 2022 05:12

I've used anchors for lots of fears and always tell the client that I'm going to do it - I usually get them to pinch their thumb and little finger together, so we practice that before I put them into the trance.


Sue Thackeray
Sue Thackeray
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Feb 16th, 2022 04:54

This is probably a bit late but I'd focus on the smoking cessation - that should be a quick win, whilst bereavement is a long term issue that will change over time.


Olek Andrew
Olek Andrew
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Mar 7th, 2023 02:55

Might be! As per my knowledge I don't think ear pull can treat smoking habit. I am sure somone has used this anchor text for promotions.

If someone really wants to quite smoking, I think one should try either hypnosis therapy or other alternatives mentioned here- uittercheck.com/quittercheck-as-an-alternative-solution-to-hypnosis-to-quit-smoking/


Rebecca Wiener
Rebecca Wiener
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Mar 9th, 2023 06:01

In my experience when you complete the full smoking cessation and add that anchor she will be thrilled. She got the thing she wanted along with breaking the habit. This reminds my of a client who was an elderly man who had seen hypnosis shows while in the Navy. He expected a pendulum to be used to induce trance and he wanted to recover from the stroke he had. Even though I don't use a pendulum normally, but it gave him comfort. Worked great. .


Judy Lynch
Judy Lynch
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Jun 19th, 2023 08:24

I have the client repeat a saying (Orange Blossom) every night before bed for 30 days, and any time a desire to smoke begins to creep in. It is a method from Robert Otto that I personally used to quit smoking 40 years ago very successfully, and is what got me hooked on hypnosis. I purchased the class from him.


Den Clare
Den Clare
Re: Stopping smoking anchor
Jun 19th, 2023 08:34

The best way to place any anchor is to discuss this with the client. Then get them to recall a happy memory and as they build this in their imagination, make it stronger and more powerful. Then give them an anchor, that is a way to register the good feeling and during their session practice using it. I find the touch of the thumb and forefinger of one of their hands easiest, let them choose which one, will release the anchor to enhance the wonderful feeling. The therapist doesn't need to know the content so it can be as personal to the client as they choose. Practice in between sessions! Can be used to assist in phobias. Den


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