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Relationship anxiety

Posted in the Anxiety Forum
By Karen    

Relationship anxiety
Jun 14th, 2018 03:26

Hi. I have a client who is struggling to move on from a relationship, specifically wondering if the other person has moved on and if the relationship they will have will be as special. They have anxiety each time they see a car similar to their ex's, and do sometimes see them driving past locally which is causing anxiety. Wondering if anyone has had clients with anxiety related to an ex partner?


Colleen Hitchcock
Colleen Hitchcock
Re: Relationship anxiety
Jun 14th, 2018 22:05

I have. The pretalk I do allows them to tell me how great he is. Then why it didn't work. I get her to talk what was wrong or how she thought he would change if...often it is he cheated and there is someone else and you can talk logically how having a partner you can trust and is honest with you is critical to a strong marriage or partnership. I suggest that the best way to get over someone may be to get back on the horse or become involved with someone else. They agree. I tell them I understand that she can see this logically, but the heart may still want.....but that the sooner she lets go, the easier it will be to get into creating an even more incredible future. I reinforce that she is the creator/director of her own life, and i think if she works on herself then law of attraction, the next partner is even better. YOWSIR! Bring him on! So then we work on her, with Ego Strengthening, charisma, and Finding or Bringing in her new Soulmate. Never fails, they have a new attitude and start reminding themselves, he really did drink too much, he never really listened to me, or whatever. Then they detach and move on. I also ask her if she thinks is in trying to let go of her. She usually has said that no, he has someone else. So how long exactly did you want to pine for him. It could be romantic -- in a Romeon & Juliet tragedy kind of way if you want that ....if not, rise and shine girl.


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