Experiment Script Three

Now see yourself stepping into a lift of some kind and you know that it is a safe and secure place to be and as the door closes you can see many button lights on the wall and each light is numbered from 0 (zero) down to 43 (forty three) and beyond and each numbered light represents a known or unknown level of hypnotic trance depth and as you descend down in your lift a numbered button light will come on and it will send you into that trance depth level or state feeling even more deeply relaxed and calm and more deeply affected than before.
When the light number 0 (zero) lights up this will represent your normal conscious awareness state or level.
When the light number 5 (five) lights up this will represent catalepsy of the eyes and is in the hypnoidal state or level.
When the light number 7 (seven) lights up this will represent rigid catalepsy and is in the light trance state or level.
When the light numbers 13 (thirteen) or 14 (fourteen) light up these will represent amnesia and is in the medium trance state or level.
When the light numbers 21 (twenty one) or 22 (twenty two) light up these will represent the ability to open the eyes without affecting the trance state and is in the deep trance state or level.
When the light number 30 (thirty) lights up this will represent hyperesthesia and is the deepest known trance state and is in the deep trance state or level.
When the light numbers 31 (thirty one) to 43 (forty three) and beyond lights up these will represent a new hypnotic trance depth levels which you will experience in much more detail.
I will ask you some questions about what you are experiencing in that trance depth level.
As you begin descending down deeper and deeper in your wonderful lift, one level at a time, you see as you arrive at a deeper hypnotic trance depth a numbered button lights up telling you what trance level you have arrived at and you will experience that trance level in every way.
Just let me know by signaling to me by raising your finger when you have arrived in your lift at trance levels 21 (twenty one) or 22 (twenty two).
(Wait for signal)
That very good we can now test this very simply by asking you to open your eyes now.
(When eyes are open and the trance state is not affected continue)
That's fine, now close your eyes and go back deep asleep.
On the previous hypnotic session you went down to trance level __________
so you can now restart your wonderful journey descending down deeper and deeper in your lift and with every level you reach will send you even more deeper and deeper than before, descending down into your deepest possible level of hypnotic trance depth going past level 30 (thirty) into levels 31 (thirty one) and beyond going much deeper than deep and into the thirty first dimensions and beyond.
Just let me know by signaling to me when you have arrived at trance level __________
(Wait for signal)
If no signal terminate hypnosis
If subject signals continue with
That very good you are doing very well now tell me what trance levels are you are now experiencing.
Subject Response Level __________
If subject states a different trance level to the one being investigated then
take them back or forward to the level but confirm with IMR signal.
(Continue with questions for EXP Script Three)
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