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Hypnosis for Children

Specially written with children in mind

Children are often the best subjects for hypnosis. Here are a selection of scripts and articles especially for kids...

Who better to hypnotize a child than a loving parent? Those special words, spoken in a calm, relaxed manner can help a child to overcome almost any fear or problem that he or she is experiencing - build up your child's confidence - hypnosis is a skill that can be learned by anyone - a child who receives guidance and love from the people who matter most will grow into a happy and well-adjusted adult.

Hypnosis for Children: An Introduction
Louise Watts: Introduction to helping children with hypnotherapy. Hypnosis for Children

Inductions for Children:
Biofeedback Induction for Children A brilliant induction for therapists who use a biofeedback monitor (GSR meter) in their practice. Gain the child's fascination, achieve instant fixation and perfect results.

Cheek - Chin Induction: A fun start to inducing hypnosis in children

Dropped Coin: Hold the child's attention with this induction

Game of Football: For those of a sporty mind

Magic Carpet Induction: For imaginative children

Magic Television: Every child's favorite induction

Oak Tree: Another induction

Perfect Parenting: Probably the most difficult thing you'll ever need to learn

Secret Place: A secret retreat where you can go to relax

Thumbnail: An eye fixation method of trance induction

Most children are excellent subjects for hypnosis; their wonderful, naturally rich imagination is all that is necessary to work with to create a good trance deep enough for therapeutic use.

There are different techniques according to the age and maturity of the child. Inductions need to be structured around the interests of the child.

Very young children can be asked to imagine they are holding a favorite toy or pet, whilst describing the sensations of the object, perhaps ask the child to imagine rocking the toy or pet to sleep.

(If a child has had a pet that has been 'put to sleep' then avoid any anxiety causing words or phrases).

Slightly older children can be asked to visualize a journey on a magic carpet and the scenes below are described as the child floats gently up.

Children of most ages will respond to the request to close their eyes and imagine watching their favorite television program. Their favorite character can be incorporated into the therapy as an aide or a role model.

Those who are interested in sport can be asked to imagine watching a successful game. I have successfully used a football match, whereby my client was watching from a prime position as his hero scored a goal. At this point their eyes met as they shared (for a brief moment) that winning feeling of success. The memory of that 'brief moment remained with him, and within six sessions of hypnosis the boy was helped with a bed wetting problem which he had had for twelve years.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Children

Children's Hypnosis Scripts Compilation:

A selection of 46 inductions, deepeners, visualizations & strategies for helping children to overcome their problems in a beautiful spiral bound book which makes it easy to select the scripts that you need for your sessions without having loose papers around. Makes a perfect gift for anyone interested in hypnosis and an essential read for anyone interested in using hypnotherapy to help children.

Scripts Included: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Relaxation, Balloon or Book Suggestibility Test, Balloon Room (OCD), Bedwetting, Blackboard Deepener, Bullying, Cheek Chin Suggestibility Test, Child Consent Form, Childhood Defiance, Childhood Infections, Child Meditation, Children - Hypno-Relaxation, Children's Health, Cloud Induction, Concentration for Children, Confidence for Children, Coping with Divorce, Eagle Child (Pain or Fear script), Encopresis (Soiling), Enuresis 2, Exam Success, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Monsters, Fear of Dentists for Children, Fear of Needles for Children, Fear of Swimming for Children, Fear of the Dark for Children, Fear of Tornados for Children, Fear of Vomiting for Children, Flying Blanket, Football - Visualization (for children), Increased Appetite, Juvenile Diabetes Management, Magic Carpet Induction, Magic TV, Playground Deepener, Problem Solving, Oak Tree, Opposition Defiance Disorder, School Phobia, Selective Mutism, Secret Place, Sick Sibling Jealousy, Snowman/girl induction, Teenage Time Management and Thumb Sucking.

Order your copy of the Children's Hypnosis Scripts Compilation here

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“I find the selection of scripts provided excellent. I am enjoying going through them. I have used several so far on my clients and they work a treat.”

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