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Past Life Regression Guide

A Complete Guide to Uncovering Past Lives

Over 75% of the population believe reincarnation...

Despite the skepticism surrounding this fascinating subject those who have had proof of their own previous existence just know in their own mind that this has actually happened for them and it can be a life-changing experience.

Some of us are just 'drawn' toward this path of discovery (the author of this guide was compelled to learn more about why she had consistently recurring dreams of living in a certain previous era - the revelations that followed changed her life in a holistic and positive way.

Probably many of us have also read about other people's Near Death Experiences (NDE) - specifically about how their quality of life dramatically improved afterwards.

Past Life Regression is a spiritual approach that can empower many people's lives. This guide is designed for anyone wanting to learn more about how to uncover their past lives and also for therapists to help their clients to achieve their aim. (Sometimes it takes another person to help you).

If you are a Hypnotherapist perhaps you have a client who has a specific problem in life which seems to crop up at certain intervals - with no idea why they are reacting in such a way?

One example was a client who felt unable to express her views - she would redden instantly when asked her opinion on some matter, whether important or not. During hypnosis she spontaneously regressed to a previous existence where she was burnt as witch because her 'ideas' were different from the other people in the village where she lived. During the hypnosis session she developed welts on her neck and upper chest as she recalled the events leading up to her demise.

Follow up sessions revealed that she was much more able to express herself - but far more important for her was that she had overcome her problem with blushing.

Regression sessions don't always run exactly how you expect them to - you have to be prepared for the unexpected which could be why many Hypnotherapists steer seem to clear of this sort of valuable therapy.

Many clients are so fascinated by this subject that, as a Hypnotherapist,
you need to be able to adapt to their needs and beliefs.

This Guide on Past Life Regression will instil confidence in any adept hypnotherapist.

As with all the material on Hypnotic World we have an ongoing support system - if you have any questions relating to your purchase then we are always happy to help.

Whether you are a Hypnotherapist wishing to add Past Life Regression to your toolbox of therapies or you are fascinated with the idea of discovering more about your own previous existence this Guide shows several different approaches that can be used.

This complete guide to Past Life Regression is crammed with information to help anyone who is interested in exploring past lives.

Step-By-Step Methods Include:
  • Path Working
  • Tarot & Crystal Regression
  • How to use dreams for past life recall
  • Free Association
  • Self Hypnosis
  • Time Lines
  • Psychometry
  • Pendulum Regression
  • Christos Technique

About The Author:

Faith Waude DHP Acc. Hyp has been practising Hypnotherapy since 1994 and became interested in the subject of Past Life Regression after her own experiences of recurring dreams and other unusual phenomena which eventually led her to validate (from the content of the dreams) that the memories of the previous life were not simply figments of her imagination but had actually happened.

Since then she has regressed hundreds of clients (although she has helped several thousand clients, not all of them are interested in actual past life regression). People who had no belief or interest in hypnosis, regression or past lives turned out to be excellent subjects.

Faith has successfully used different methods of helping clients to regress - all is explained in this 98 page guide which will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase (often much sooner).

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