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Interview with a Hypnotherapist: Sandra Norman

Interview with a Hypnotherapist: Sandra Norman
Interview (Photo by © Brian Jackson - stock.adobe.com)

How does someone get involved in hypnotherapy? How do you identify a good subject for hypnosis? This week, we interview Sandra Norman, a Spokane, WA-based hypnotherapist, about life in the profession.

1. What made you decide to become a Hypnotherapist?

I had been working for years in the Electronic industry, growing up in Silicon Valley. This line of work served its purpose until I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 50. I recognized how powerful the mind is and how it can be influenced by both the negative and the positive. I wanted to help people overcome the negatives in their life and found hypnotherapy could assist in that.

2. What is the best thing about being a Hypnotherapist?

Seeing the change in the client, helping them move along their path to wellness of the body, mind and spirit.

3. Do you have a specialty, or help clients with a range of issues?

I help clients with many different issues. I have a dentist I work with that send me clients for teeth grinding (bruxism), I see clients that are ill and working through their illness, weight loss, smoking and a number of other issues as well.

4. Can you usually spot pretty quickly which clients are going to be good hypnotic subjects?

As a hypnotherapist I have learned to work with a client their way. Some people are very inferred while others are quite direct. Listening and using the information given to me by the client makes a huge difference in their success.

5. Do you come across much resistance to hypnotherapy?

At times but it can be explained away if you take your time with the new client. If they resist they will gain nothing and sometimes that needs to be pointed out to the client. They can choose to succeed and see the difference in the direction their life takes them.

6. Have you ever felt yourself drawn into a client’s life/problem?

No, I do feel empathy but can never allow myself to be drawn into a client's problem.

7. What is the strangest problem you’ve been asked to help with?

When I first started my practice a woman came in and asked me to hypnotize her so she would like her husband.

8. Which single case history has made it all worthwhile for you?

I had a woman that was having a lot of seizures. She had been to many doctors and they could find no reason for the seizures, she was even accused of faking them. When she came to my office she had to wheeled in using a wheelchair. She had a seizure on the sidewalk coming into the office. We got her into the chair and did some work. She walked out using a cane. She felt it was a miracle and thought I was a miracle worker. I assured her it was her that made it happen, I was the there to help here through the process. We continued on weekly appointment for 3 months then realized she could do the work herself. That was approximately 4 years ago. This woman still comes in for her sessions “tune ups” (she calls them).

9. Have you dealt with an issue that you felt was out of your scope of expertise?

I have not done any work with PTD with Veterans. I have had no training in this and know how important it is to know what you are doing, it is beyond my scope of practice.

10. Have you used self-hypnosis? If so, could you elaborate?

Yes, I use self- hypnosis daily. I use it when I am feeling a bit out of sorts or uncomfortable about something. I love to do self- hypnosis to set the tone for my day.

11. Would you recommend Hypnotherapy as a career to others?

Absolutely! I started with a hypnotherapy practice, became a trainer for hypnotists and coaches for a Corporation in the US and now do contract work helping to design training programs.

12. Do you ever feel yourself drifting into a hypnotic trance when treating clients?

No I do not drift into a trance, however I am very relaxed.

13. Have you any tips that might help other hypnotherapists?

I think the big thing is that you have to trust and have faith. Practice until you feel that confidence and take a bit of time before each session to get “in the zone”.

14. What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies?

I love to dance. I make natural health care products, soaps, lotions, salves.

15. If you were to be hypnotized, what or where would be the most relaxing environment for you to visualize?

Sitting in my recliner in my office with a wonderfully soft blanket covering me, soft music in the background with the thought that there is nothing to do but relax.

Sandra is a hypnotherapist based in Spokane, Washington, US. To contact Sandra or to book a session, you can email her at normanhealthsystems@comcast.net.

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