Hypnosis and The Mind

Fundamentals of the Mind
The human mind may be subdivided into three parts: the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious. These compare to a computer:
Unconscious = operating system
Subconscious = hard drive
Conscious = RAM
Each part has separate and distinct tasks.
The Unconscious mind operates your automatic body systems such as the circulatory system, much as a computer's operating system includes its basic functions.
The Subconscious mind operates like a hard drive by storing files of all kinds, from a full memory bank of your past to your emotional spectrum, to its most vital task: protecting you at all costs.
The Conscious mind is our everyday mind, making immediate day to day decisions like what to wear, eat, and drink. It is the gatekeeper, choosing what information is to be acted upon moment by moment. It's the mind you're reading this book with right now, and its tasks include comparing, reasoning, and explaining. These abilities are called the Critical Factor and are bypassed in hypnosis.
Importance of the Subconscious Mind
To update a file on your computer, you must open the original file and make the changes. In the human mind, original files are stored in the Subconscious. To gain access, we must reach the Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious mind. In other words, one way to gain positive changes in the present is to neutralize the negativity in the past. We do not change the memories, we upgrade how you feel about them.
This upgrading can only be accomplished in the Subconscious, for that is where memories are stored, and it can only be reached through bypass of the Conscious mind, and that can only be done through hypnosis.
Why? It's what works. Hypnosis specifically sets the Conscious mind aside temporarily.
Your Mind Must Protect You; Good News, Bad News
All levels of your mind work to protect you as best they can at all times. And this especially applies to the Subconscious.
It must protect you at all costs, and to do so, it may even lie to you, or more to the point, to your Conscious mind. It may lie about you, about others, it may even lie to your hypnotist while you are in trance. It may hide memories from you. And much, much more. This is because once it accepts negative behaviors in the name of your safety, it hangs on to those behaviors. Some examples are:
smoking anything
being obese
declining success
biting your fingernails
spending compulsively
You may well ask, how can compulsive spending possibly protect me? It distracts you. Misdirection is one highly effective way your Subconscious protects you by keeping a lid on overwhelming emotions. Ergo the addict.
You may well ask, how can declining to be successful possibly protect me? It limits you. Limiting exposure to risk is another way to protect you.
It is when such protective efforts do not meet your current needs that you desire change. Hypnosis sets aside the Conscious mind, makes changes via the Subconscious mind, and change is achieved.
How Hypnosis Upgrades Your Files
Hypnosis is able to change your perception of your memories, and thus of yourself. We do not change the events themselves, we upgrade how you feel about them, and thus your daily life is upgraded.By accessing the original files stored in the Subconscious, you are able to see all of the reasons why your mind specifies your behaviors in the name of protecting you, and together we upgrade those behaviors since, typically, the need of that protection is gone. You are no longer in the middle of the event that had such impact on you.
Your Conscious mind does not have complete access to your memory files; that is not its job. This is why merely talking about change is such an ineffective means of getting any. Talking happens in the Conscious mind. Change happens in the Subconscious.
And here's the rub: the Subconscious outvotes the Conscious mind. It is far, far larger, stronger, and more powerful. This is why willpower fails so miserably for the dieter. Unless the Subconscious agrees to a healthy diet and a normalized body weight, your finest of intentions are short-lived, having been overridden by the Subconscious mind.
Emotions are a function of, and are stored in, the Subconscious. When you have had an emotional reaction to danger, for example, real or imagined, those emotions are felt and stored in your Subconscious. Hypnosis accesses those stored emotions, upgrades your perception of them, and results in changed behavior.
You must give yourself permission to make changes. You must want to change. You must want to enter into hypnosis. And this means not being afraid of hypnosis. So, let's define what hypnosis is in several ways, as there is no single perfect way to phrase it.
What Hypnosis Is
"Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind
combined with the establishment of selective thinking," says the US Government.
Hypnosis is a blend of physical relaxation and extreme mental alertness.
Yes, I said extreme.
Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration. This is why a few minutes of
emotional expression in trance is worth hours in an alert state. Humans are so
easily distracted, and the Conscious mind is always making excuses for
everything. In hypnosis, the conscious mind is set aside, and excuses are seen for
what they are.
Hypnosis is the state you enter into every time you watch a TV show you
like, see a film you like, or sit down at the computer intending to only be there
for 10 minutes... and suddenly it's two hours later.
Hypnosis also happens when humans fall in love, literally entranced.
What Hypnosis Is Not
Hypnosis is not mind control.
Hypnosis is not a royal proclamation.
Hypnosis is not sleep. We use relaxation, not sleep, to enter hypnosis. You
do not wake up from hypnosis, you emerge. And you already know exactly what
emerging from hypnosis feels like! Remember the last time you went to the
movies, loved the film, and at the end when the credits rolled, you suddenly
to"? You just emerged from hypnosis. That's exactly what it feels like,
because that's exactly what happened.
Hypnosis is not being unconscious. You can hear everything that goes on
around you during trance; you're just not interested in it.
Hypnosis is not relaxation. That's just an optimal starting point.
Hypnosis is not being drugged. However, one can easily mimic a drugged state
in hypnosis, provided you have previously felt the effects of that drug. Your
body remembers. This is useful for pain control.
Hypnosis is not involuntary. Just as no one can make you enjoy a movie that
fails to entrance you, no one can make you remain in hypnosis. I typically
teach my clients self hypnosis on the very first session so that they know for
certain that they can emerge whenever they like. Anyone can emerge from hypnosis
instantly by making that their intention.
How Does It Actually Happen?
Hypnotists use methods we call techniques. These include Direct Suggestion, Regression To Cause, The Forgiveness Pyramid, Parts, The Spa of Your Inner Mind, The Recording Studio, Progression, and Higher Mind.The Last Word
The media uses hypnosis on you all the time. Aaaalllllllll the time.Advertisers have been known to employ hypnotists to assess the hypnotic potential of a given advertisement, and pay good money for it.
Every time you watch TV and enjoy it, you go into a state of trance. Ditto listening to music, going to the movies, watching a DVD, hearing talk radio, reading a magazine, and so forth. When you don't like a particular type of music, that is expressly because it fails to put you into the trance you listen to music for.
So here comes the big duh. Why should media have all the fun? Please visit your friendly neighborhood trance specialist and use hypnosis to further your own goals.
Ah, hypnosis. So easy you can do it with your eyes closed.
About the Author
Copyright 2006 by Michelle Beaudry, CHt, fulltime clinical hypnotist in the Orlando, Florida area; member National Guild of Hypnotists, Hypnosis Education Association, Conscious Awareness Network. Contact her at hypnofemme@aol.com or 407 862-9144.Beaudry Hypnosis, and check out her ebooks "The Forgiveness Pyramid" and "The Spa of Your Inner Mind" at http://www.banyanhypnosismall.com/michellebeaudry
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