Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions with Hypnosis

New Year’s Eve is on the horizon, and as we all know, this is often accompanied with resolutions made with the best of intentions that are difficult to keep.
Only a small number of us will actually experience success and continue with new behaviour patterns past January.
We may decide to start on a healthy regime of exercising and losing weight and to start off with, our motivation is high – only for us to lapse at the first sign of temptation or stress. The same applies to stopping smoking, quitting alcohol and so on. What’s going on here?
The reason it can be difficult for some is that we are all creatures of habit and in times of adversary we revert to our old coping mechanisms. And of course, one cigarette or one cream cake isn’t going to make much difference is it, we kid ourselves, and this often leads to failure.
Or we may be eating all the right things and exercising more yet no weight is being shed so because the results aren’t immediate will stop ‘punishing’ ourselves with denial and go back to the old, well-trodden path.
It doesn’t have to be like that though. People can and do lose weight, stop drinking, smoking, being lazy and so forth.
They may do this the hard way, using willpower or choose to change their mind-set with the help of hypnosis.
Hypnosis can help you stick with your resolutions by focusing on the tasks you want to achieve or problems you want to overcome.
The most popular New Year Resolutions tend to be along the lines of:
- Get fit and lose weight
- Be more organised in work/life in general
- Save money, spend less
- Quit smoking
- Enjoy life and welcome new experiences
- Find love/a relationship
- Travel more
I think most of us agree, these tend to be the dominant themes in everyone’s resolutions most years.
The biggest theme is to be or better yourself in some way.
Some people don't even bother making resolutions for fear of failure; if this sounds like you then hypnosis can help put you in the right frame of mind and motivate you to achieve your resolutions with confidence.
We have several downloads to help with these issues, or problems you may face trying to complete your resolution. For example, you may want to travel more in the New Year, yet be afraid of flying. A fear of flying hypnosis download can help you overcome these fears and reach your travel goals.
Likewise, healthy eating and learning to enjoy exercise can help you with your weight loss goals.
The Daily Mail shared an article about a mum who turned to hypnotherapy after her 7 year old son called her a fussy eater. This was because she would only eat a few different plain foods, and absolutely no vegetables or other healthy foods.
She had such a phobia of different foods she went as far as to prepare her son’s meals with rubber gloves on.
After her session with a food phobia expert the paper reports that she is now willing to try more foods, even if she then decides she doesn't like them.
The key to success is to make attainable resolutions and set yourself a realistic time scale to complete them. This way you can celebrate your successes as you reach each milestone, or re-evaluate your plan of action if things aren't going as planned.
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